Company Setup Information: Enter Information about your company for use in the various reports.
Record Hours Worked: Enter The Start and End times worked for any Client and Project. The total time worked is calculated for use in reports. Please refer to the Reports section for detailed information on the available reports.
Record Business Mileage: Enter Beginning and Ending Odometer readings. The total miles driven is calculated for use in reports. Please refer to the Reports section for detailed information.
Record Business Meals: Enter costs incurred for business meals.
Client Information: Enter information about all your Clients. If you are working on a project through an outside agency, you may record the information here. If you are not using an outside agency, add your company information here so that it may be assigned to a project.
Agent Information: Enter information about all your Agents. This information is used to allow for assigning Hours Worked information to the correct Client.
Project Information: This is where you enter detailed information about the project. This information includes Project Description, Client Name (selected), Agency Name (selected), Purchase Order Number (optional), and other detailed project information. The various bill rates; beginning and ending dates; Project Dollars or Hours available; and other notes may be recorded here.
Purchase Order Information: If you are working off of a Purchase Order (PO), pertinent information may be recorded here. If this information is entered, several fields will be automatically filled in for you on the Project Information screen. Also, Time Sheet Reports will include the PO Number in the header, making it easier for the information to be transcribed to your Invoicing System.
Comments: Optionally add comments to a particular Time Sheet report.